Trusted Clearance Services in Cheshire

Professional House and Office Clearance Solutions

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01928 263267

Based on Real Reviews

5 Star Service

Years of Experience

5+ years

Authentic House Clearance

About Cheshire Clearance – Your Trusted Clearance Partner

Cheshire Clearance is a premier clearance company in Cheshire offering hassle-free services.

Established with care, trusted by Cheshire’s residents and businesses

Quality Clearance Services

Our Range of Reliable Clearance Solutions

House Clearance

Furniture Removal
Full House Clearances
Garage Clearance

Office Clearance

Electronics Disposal
Paperwork Shredding
Commercial Business Closure

Stock Liquidation

Excess Inventory Management
Warehouse Clearance
Retail Stock Clearances

Ready to Clear Your Space?

OR Call Us: 01928 263267
Authentic Eco-Friendly Services

What Sets Us Apart from the Rest


Reliable Team

Experienced and friendly staff ensuring a smooth clearance process.


Eco-Friendly Approach

Committed to sustainability with eco-friendly clearance practices.


Top-notch Solutions

Providing stress-free and efficient clearance services for all clients.

Happy Clients Say

Testimonials from Satisfied Customers

Clear with Confidence

Contact Us Today for Stress-Free Clearances

Free Consultation? 01928 263267

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